The Mischief Managed



After nearly a year and a half, I'm finally bringing back my most-booked brand photography offer: The Brand Photography Membership!

This one's a fan-favorite, folks and it's back for 2024! If you're looking to revamp your brand visuals this year and give your business that boost of confidence and authenticity that you've been missing, now is your opportunity!

The Mischief Managed Brand Photography Membership is three shoots over the course of one year, during which we will create your visual brand, pinpoint your business's needs in terms of content and photos, and strategically work to build your business through personal brand photography in just 12 months!

Read on to find out ALL that's included below!

Let's break it down 🔨

⚡️3 Personal Brand Photoshoots

⚡️3 Shoot Planning Zoom Calls

⚡️Creative Direction & Planning for every shoot

⚡️Brand Teaser Trailer Video!

Why 3 Photoshoots?

After polling my previous personal brand photography membership holders, the one thing they suggested to change was the number of shoots included! 4 was too much for 12 months when taking into consideration the planning time and their average content needs.

So not only do you get the perfect amount of shoots now, the price is also lower because of it! 😉

And what can we do with THREE whole shoots? Why the heck would you actually need that many!?

Well, I'm so glad you asked...

Here's the thing:

With three personalized shoots a year, you NEVER have to worry about running out or reusing the same three to five images over and over again (no need to be ashamed- we're all a little guilty of this)!

There’s nothing quite like having a regularly-updating, go-to gallery of gorgeous, personalized, and professional photos at the tip of your fingers! It's there when you need to plan out your Instagram, provide a great headshot to a profile you’re being featured on, or to slip into your newest email newsletter!

With the Membership, you get a 2-hour shoot and two 1-hour shoots 🙌

And the icing on the cake?

✨ Your Brand Teaser Trailer!

✨As a membership holder you also get a 45-second to one-minute video set to music that is filmed alongside your personal branding photoshoots to help tell your story!

  • Use your video everywhere- your website, Instagram, Facebook- you name it. (Here's a LIVE example of a brand video on my client Kathleen's website here!)

  • Get your video done during your brand photoshoot (and of the individual four shoots or all during your first one so you can use it sooner!). Rather than scheduling another whole day, getting all dressed up again and paying for hair and makeup again, you knock out your photos and video in one session. Easy as pie.

  • Let your clients see you in action! If you're a florist, we will get video footage of you designing bouquets and laughing as you work instead of a momentary snapshot. It may seem like small potatas, but seeing movement can truly make a difference in bringing your brand to life.

YOU WILL STOP potential clients in their tracks.

And get clients that instantly book because that video tells them all they need to know about your personality and how you work!

Not to mention this Teaser Trailer is not

available with any other package...

It is completely exclusive to the Mischief Managed Membership.

Last paragraph of perks, I swear 😉

(Not that you're really complaining about saving, huh?)

Just cause I want to make this Membership EXTRA worth it, here are the full Membership-only perks you get when signing up:

  • Priority Booking (even when my schedule is jam-packed, I find time for you 😘)
  • Brand Teaser Trailer ($799 value)
  • All photos from every shoot for Membership-holders only (this is a $2,100 value)
  • Discounted shoots (15% each shoot discount)

So, in summary:

⚡️ The Mischief Managed Membership

What's Included:

  • Creative Direction
  • 3 Shoot Planning Calls
  • One initial 2-hour shoot (All images)
  • Two 1-hour shoots (All images)
  • 1-minute Brand Teaser Trailer
  • Priority booking

What you're *actually* paying:


(3, 6 and 12-month payment plans available)


😵 What you'd be paying normally for all of this:


And the crème de la crème?

I’ve made this Membership available with monthly payment plans so instead of paying one giant chunk in the beginning like you might normally, you can space these payments out over the 12 months of your membership- which comes out to just $450 a month.

$450 a month for consistently on-brand, professional photos throughout the year that will allow you to charge more, attract dream clients and promote your true, authentic self.

Think of how many more services and products you will be able to sell when you show up professionally, personally and branded in 2024.

This is an investment you can't not make!

👉 I'm only booking 2 more Membership Clients for 2024 so apply now!

And if you have any questions at all, hit that contact button to email me or hit me up on instagram @morganpotterphoto!

"Morgan is amazing! From our very first call I felt heard, understood, and inspired by her energy and clear love for what she does. She asked important questions that helped clarify my vision and was delightful all the way through. Hire her!"

—Viva Asmelash Consulting, INC.

👉 Compare Packages Here

How it Works:

1. Branding Questionnaire

Once you book, I send you this questionnaire that is the key to making sure everything about your photoshoots is tailored uniquely to you. I take the info I get from this questionnaire and brainstorm a whole lotta awesome ways to make your session pop!

2. Brand Vision Zoom Call

This Zoom Call is where we get to meet "face-to-face" and review your questionnaire together! We decide on locations, props, overall aesthetic, outfits and more! You get one of these for each of yoru three shoots!

 3. Fabulous Photoshoot(s)

I create a timeline so that our shoot goes minute-for-minute as planned and we capture everything you are so excited about! I help you calm your nerves with natural posing prompts (candids are the best!) and silly humor. I then capture the best brand photos of your life (x3)


You'll get to select your final images from among your photo proofs after each shoot and then get your final edited images within 2 weeks! You get images for your emails, website, instagram, and more. You'll have the best pics for them all.

Still not convinced?

Hit me up on my contact page and we'll schedule a fun little Zoom call and we can figure out exactly what package is best for your business! Plus I get to tell you a little more about my extensive planning process and answer any other questions you may have 😉

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