Brand photos for:

Full Cup Wellness

Dr. Holly Spotts

Online therapy for women in CA, MS & FL.


  • Approachable
  • Heart-felt
  • Hopeful

Holly is an online therapist for women!

Holly approached me wanting to launch her new online therapy service and on our initial Discovery Call together, she told me that the goal with getting brand photos was to be able to relate more to her clients and get photos that made her more approachable by women in need of her services!

An image immediately started forming in my mind: a simple and feminine brand shoot that was warm and inviting and very genuine so that potential women looking for help could easily see if Holly was the right therapist for them!

I focused even more than I normally do on genuine and candid photos with the intent to make Holly look even more approachable than she already is in person!!

💡PRO TIP: Holly was very nervous about her outfits and making sure her brand colors were all incorporated and had several different outfits she was struggling to pick between. When she asked me my opinion, I reassured her that although they all looked great, she needed to pick the ones that she felt most comfortable and beautiful in! 

This is one of the most important tips I can give you when deciding on your shoot outfits! 😉 If you don't like what you're wearing or feel good in it, it's inevitably going to come across in photos and we don't want that!

What do you think? I'm kinda secretly obsessed with how her whole shoot came together!! I made sure to tie in her love of Hawaii and brownies and I personally think that's the cherry on top!

Are you ready to transform your brand!?

Check out the ways to work with me here, and if you like what you see, be sure to apply ASAP!


  • Vernon Street Town Square | Roseville, Ca
  • The Tower Theater | Roseville, Ca
  • The Bloom Collective Studio | Roseville, Ca
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