Hello beautiful people and welcome to my new and improved website!
The reason why I switched web hosts was because I was having some unfortunate issues with my previous hosting platform - and although I loved how much control I had over the design, I found out that my mobile site when clicked through Facebook on certain Android phones was literally a jumbled mess of overlapping text and photos that I was not aware of for over a year!
So first and foremost I would like to apologize if you ever visited my site in that state on mobile because it is so unprofessional and frankly, embarrassing. I am so glad somebody brought it to my attention!
With that being said, the first thing I checked out on my new site host was the mobile version - and I am happy to say it looks fantastic and I am so pleased with it! It’s a very simple but effective design hosted through Pixieset (which, if any of my clients remember, is also where I host all of my finished client galleries!) So having multiple services through one company is not only cheaper but much more efficient!
I hope you have the time to stick around a little while and check out the new site - a lot of love has gone into crafting it :)
And among other changes with my site, I am having to “restart” my blog so to speak (I now need to re-import all of my previous blogs from Wordpress because they are non-transferable with this hosting site). Not a big deal, it will just take a little bit of time, so I beg for your patience if you are looking for your old blog post- it will be here soon!
Also I am going to be getting a lot more personal on this blog in addition to all of my standard session recaps- I want to share more about my life and what’s happening behind the scenes of my business as well as with what you see on Facebook and Instagram! (For those of you who don’t know I LOVE writing...so if you love my ridiculously long Instagram posts and wanted more...this is the place to be)! AND, if you want regular updates on when I post a new blog, you can sign up for the mailing letter here!
I look forward to sharing with you all!