October was a haze of Halloween decorations, Fall-themed photoshoots and baking!! (As is only right since we finally got our Fall weather halfway through this month! We kicked off the month with Morgan Potter Photography officially turned 3 years old and I had an awesome giveaway to celebrate it!
I then photographed SPARKLE bridal couture in Sacramento, Elaina Florence studios in her gorgeous and cozy home studio, and the fun and bubbly Tiffany Michele Photography at Studios on Sutter in Folsom for the first time ever!

It's Halloween Season...
To start the festivity of Halloween-season, I painted my nails candy corn-style and put up all the Halloween decor the first week of October! I bought myself a brand new pink keyboard (which I’m in love with), and then consequently went out to Dollar Tree to buy more Halloween decor because our neighborhood was so depressingly bare that I had to make up for it.
I also got Shadow his Halloween costume…
Yup, he’s a dragon. :D
And I made him a cardboard castle, which he liked so much, he tore to shreds haha.
Back on the home front, I launched my brand new FACEBOOK GROUP (ahhh!) and I conducted a HECK of a lot of ideal client research for my brand! I spent a lot of time with some amazing ladies from Instagram, talking to them about branding and getting their thoughts on brand photography! Doing research is an extremely important step in making your brand the best it can be so I’m not sure why I never thought to question my own audience before now!! But you live and learn :)
We finally had our first Mastermind meeting since February in person (and socially-distanced, picnic-style!) at the park, too! It was a gorgeous warm day out, perfect for lazing about and talking of businessy (and not so business-y) things with the other ladies in the group. In an odd way, everyone in our group is actually doing really well, all Covid things considered! Who knew!
Damon’s family visited and brought with them his mom’s infamous holiday cookies, as you can see below!

Oh, and Shadow decided halfway through October that he really didn’t like the same food he’d been eating for the past month, so he just stopped eating *facepalm* We tried everything we could think of to new food, to new bowls, to putting his food bowls in a new place and the only thing that worked for him was if we would hand-feed him his food piece-by-piece while sitting next to him.
Then he could eat.
I DON’T UNDERSTAND CATS!! I mean, I am totally thankful we could finally get him to eat, but how weird?? I personally think it was his little way of being a rebellious teenager before he turned one on November 1st…
I voted, had fun Zoom calls with my friends until 2am, helped my friend Risa out with wedding planning assisting, started dabbling in real estate photography, went hiking with my friend Shilo for her birthday in Auburn and enjoyed Shadow snuggles on the couch since it’s finally cool enough for him to cuddle!

For Halloween, I hopped on Zoom with my sister and our dear friend Roman to celebrate both Halloween and his birthday! (We’ve all been together on Halloween every single year since we met in 2013).
After that, Damon and I ordered some jack-o-lantern shaped pizzas and watched Hocus Pocus and Halloweentown to celebrate!
And as the clock turned midnight, I (once again) seriously contemplated starting NaNoWriMo again. For those of you who don’t know, NaNoWriMo (or National Novel Writing Month), takes place the whole month of November and participants write an entire 50,000 word novel in just 30 days. I’ve completed NaNoWriMo myself (twice!) and this inspiring time of year always gets me in the mood to try again. Alas, with running my business full-time, starting up a new exercise regimen and meal plan, I think adding a novel on top of that may be a little too much…
One day I will make the time again- hopefully next year!
And with that being said, November arrived! Crazy stuff! Now we’re on to Christmas decor in every store and holiday tunes on every radio station. The holidays should be interesting this year, but if I’ve learned anything thus far, it’s to go with the flow and welcome whatever comes.
C’mon, November!!

In Summary
BOOK OF THE MONTH: Ark Angel (Alex Rider #6) by Anthony Horowitz (getting ready for the release of the TV show next month!!)
TV SHOW OF THE MONTH: I did a mean bout of show-hopping in October...The Alienist, Reign, Great British Baking Show, Halloween Baking Championship, America’s Next Top Model, Supernatural, Robin Hood, Merlin and Voltron: Legendary Defender. (I’m totally sane, I swear ;P)
FAVORITE PART OF OCTOBER: Starting a routine to get up earlier (yeah, I know it’s weird to like getting up early, but I get so much more done in the day!!)
BIGGEST BUSINESS ACHIEVEMENT: Hit my goal of nearly doubling last month’s income! I can’t believe the support I’ve gotten from everyone <3
MOST LOOKING FORWARD TO NEXT MONTH: Getting festive and redesigning my website!